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Yaroslav the Wise - Grand Prince of Kyiv - was born in Kyiv in 978. He was a son of Grand Prince Volodymyr, who converted Kyivan Rus to Christianity.
After his father's death, Yaroslav waged war against his brother Svyatopolk I and gained the Kyiv throne. Under the rule of Yaroslav the Wise, Kyivan Rus, with Kyiv as its capital, grew more powerful than ever. Trade with the East and the West played an important role in Kyivan Rus in the 11th century. Yaroslav established diplomatic relations with European countries. His daughters Elizabeth, Anna and Anastasia were married to the kings of Norway, France and Hungary. Yaroslav himself was married to the daughter of the King of Sweden.
Yaroslav the Wise defended his state from the attacks of nomadic tribes. He defeated the Pechenegs, who had attacked Kyiv for 120 years. To honour this victory he laid the foundations of St. Sophia's Cathedral, the main church of Kyivan Rus.
Yaroslav the Wise valued wisdom, knowledge and books most of all. He founded a primary school and a library. There were more than 1,000 books in it. He also wrote a book of laws called Yaroslav's Justice. No wonder he was called Yaroslav the Wise.
He died in 1054 in Kyiv and was buried in St. Sophia's Cathedral in a sarcophagus made of white marble. In front of the Cathedral, there is a marble stone with his portrait on it to commemorate the first library of Kyivan Rus.
- Put the sentences in order.
Yaroslav the Wise - Grand Prince of Kyiv - was born in Kyiv in 978. |
He was a son of Grand Prince Volodymyr, who converted Kyivan Rus to Christianity. |
After his father's death, Yaroslav waged war against his brother Svyatopolk I and gained the Kyiv throne. |
His daughters Elizabeth, Anna and Anastasia were married to the kings of Norway, France and Hungary. |
Yaroslav himself was married to the daughter of the King of Sweden. |
He defeated the Pechenegs, who had attacked Kyiv for 120 years. |
To honour this victory he laid the foundations of St. Sophia's Cathedral, the main church of Kyivan Rus. |
He founded a primary school and a library. There were more than 1,000 books in it. |
He also wrote a book of laws called Yaroslav's Justice. |
He died in 1054 in Kyiv and was buried in St. Sophia's Cathedral in a sarcophagus made of white marble. |
4.Мark the sentences T (True) or F (False). T
a Yaroslav the Wise was a brother of Grand Prince Volodymyr. ........
b Under the rule of Yaroslav the Wise, Kyivan Rus grew less powerful than ever. …..
c Prince Yaroslav was married to the daughter of the King of Norway. ........
d Yarosiav's daughters were married to foreign kings. ........