для людей з порушеннями зору
Мутинська гімназія
Кролевецької міської ради

ІІ етап Всеукраїнської учнівської олімпіади з англійської мови (аудіювання) 2019-2020 н.р. 8 клас

Дата: 16.11.2020 13:37
Кількість переглядів: 222

Listening 8 form

Personalities of Velyka Pysarivka

Yehor Khomich Movchan is the last of the Ukrainian kobzars. He was born in 1898 in Velyka Pysarivka which at that time belonged the Bohoduhivskiy Yizd Kharkiv province in the family of peasant. At the age of 10 Yehor fell seriously ill. It was smallpox which at that time was untreated and after it he almost completely lost his sight.

His elder sister Oksana worked in Kharkiv and was able to arrange a brother at Kharkiv musical boarding school for the blind children. Some years later Movchan returned to Pysarivka and started to learn kobzarstvo under the local musician Stepan Pasuga. Yehor Movchan with his kobza bypassed more hundreds of villages and towns. He sang couplets and dumy about hunger and Ukrainian people.

Movchan survived two famines, occupations and escaped of shooting in 1933. People of Pysarivka who knew Yehor Khomich say that he had a deep and penetrating voice which always attracted a lot of listeners in the streets and squares. As a person he was strong and brave and due it he had managed to survive the terrible time.

In 1933 the famous Ukrainian Kobzar was invited to the Congress of Kobzars in Kharkiv. Movchan was unable to go there because of illness. Then he had learned that all his friends were taken from the Congress and shot. So Yehor Movchan is known as the last wandering Kobzar of Ukraine.

Maksym Rylskyi respected Movchan and his talent very much. Rylskyi even gave him an expensive kobza with the portrait of Taras Shevchenko. The great Kobzar died in Puscha-Vodytsya in the house of the veterans. In the centre of Pysarivka there is a monument to Yehor Khomich Movchan. The street where he lived was also renamed from Soviet to Movchan.

    1. Agree or disagree to the statements:
  1. Yehor Movchan was born in a rich family. -
  2. He fell ill at the age of 10. +
  3. The younger sister arranged Yehor to Kharkiv boarding school. -
  4. Movchan bypassed a lot of towns and villages. +
  5. He sang about love and happiness. -
  6. He could not go to the Congress because he knew about the shooting.
  7. Maxym Rylskyi respected Movchan and his talent. +
  8. M. Rylskyi gave him a guitar with the portrait of Taras Shevchenko.
  9. The kobzarist died in Velyka Pysarivka. -
  10. There is a monument to Yehor Khomich in Velyka Pysarivka and a

 street named by him. +

       II. Choose the correct variant

  1. Yehor Movchan was a famous Ukrainian …

a) guitarist; b) Kobzar; c) pianist.

2. He was from …

 a) Kharkiv; b) Velyka Pysarivka; c) Bohoduhiv.

3. After … Yehor almost completely lost his sight.

a) cancer; b) plague; c) smallpox.

4.  Yehor Movchan …

a) sang couplets and dumy; b) told funny stories;

c) sang different songs.

5. The famous Ukrainian kobzars were invited to the Congress in …

a) 1936; b) 1833; c) 1933.

6. Movchan is known as …

a) a new Ukrainian Kobzar; b) the first blind Kobzar;

c) the last wandering Kobzar.

7. Maxym Rylskyi gave him a kobza with …

a) his own portrait; b) a portrait of Stalin;

c) a portrait of T. Shevchenko.

8.  The great Kobzar died …

a) in Puscha-Vodytsya ; b) at home;

 c) in an unknown place.

 9. There is a monument to Movchan …

 a) in Velyka Pysarivka; b) in Kharkiv; c) in Kyiv

 10. Yehor Khomich started to learn kobzarstvo under…

  a)  his mother;              b) his friends;                      c)  the local musician.




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