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Кролевецької міської ради

ІІ етап Всеукраїнської учнівської олімпіади з англійської мови (аудіювання) 2019-2020 н.р. 9-11 класи

Дата: 16.11.2020 13:57
Кількість переглядів: 246

 Listening 9 Form

Lishchynsky Palace

Lishchynsky Palace is an architectural monument of the second half of the nineteenth century. The Palace together with its unique arboretum is amazingly beautiful palace and park complex. According to the Decree of The Council of Ministers of USSR №105 from 01.29.1960, the Kyianytsia State Park, a memorial garden art park, was declared as a park of republican values, and after Ukraine's independence it acquired the status of national park values.

The history of the architectural monument is associated with the names of famous patrons in Sumy, Kharytonenko and Lishchynsky, sugar factory owners.

According to the John Gerasimovitch Kharitonenko’s bequest (1891), his niece, Mary Matviyivna, became the owner of the estate in the village of Kyianytsia. Mary Matviyivna was Nikolai Osipovich Lishchynsky’s wife, which was Natalia Maximivna Kharitonenko’s nephew.  

Having a sugar factory and the surrounding area, the new owners, Mary Matveyevna and Nikolai Osipovich Lishchynsky wondered about the construction of his house. In the early of 1890s both two beautiful houses were built. One of them was on the river bank on Psilska street in Sumy, another one, like a palace, was built in Kyianytsia, along with age grove.

The house in Kyianytsia was built in neo-Renaissance style. It is brick, plastered, rich decorated two-storied building with basement of complex configuration plan. Building materials for brick walls of the palace were made in Lishchynsky’s own brick factory in the village of Nova Sich.

The walls inside the palace are empty, because the hot air for heating the house was held there. So in winter it was warm in the palace and in the summer it was cool. Wooden ceiling of the building was made, probably, of the oak.

The house had two above ground and one underground floor, and the roof was metal. The engine room was located on the underground floor, where his portable engine that produced electricity for lighting the palace worked. The second and the third above-ground floors were beautiful living rooms. The very structure of the building was rectangular, but the front door was made not by the longer side, as usual, but by the shorter one.

Later a wing was built. It was the kitchen, which was connected with the palace by the underground corridor.

I. Agree or disagree to the statements

  1. Lishchynsky Palace is considered as an architectural monument of the second half of the nineteenth century. +
  2. A memorial garden art park was declared as a park of independent values. -
  3. The owners of the factory wondered about construction of one more factory. -
  4. The new house was designed in neo-Renaissance style. +
  5. The walls inside are decorated with pictures and candles. -
  6. The house has four floors and the underground floor. +
  7. The temperature was comfortable inside in winter and summer. +
  8. The solar engine produced electricity. -
  9. The ceiling was metal.-
  10. The kitchen was connected the Palace by long corridor. -

II. Choose the correct variant.

1. Lishchynsky Palace is an architectural monument of the … of the nineteenth century.

a) first half

b) second half

c) in the middle

2. The history of the architectural monument is associated with

a) Kharytonenko and Lishchynsky

b) Lishchynsky

c) Kharytonenko

3. According to Kharitonenko’s bequest… became the owner of the estate in the village of Kyianytsia.

a) Mary Matviyivna

b) Natalia Maximivna

c) famous patron

4. In the early of 1890s … were built.

 a) sugar factories

 b) beautiful houses

 c) palaces

 5. Building materials for brick walls of the palace were made in

 a) Italy

 b) Nova Sich

 c) France

  6. The walls inside the palace…

  a) are decorated

  b) are beautiful

  c) are empty

  7. Wooden ceiling of the building was made…

   a) of beech

   b) of maple

   c) of oak

   8. The second and the third above-ground floors were

   a) living rooms

    b) sport rooms

    c) rest rooms

    9. The very structure of the building was

    a) round

    b) rectangular

    c) triangle

    10. The kitchen was connected with the palace by

    a) the wall

    b) the living room

    c) the underground corridor





Listening 10 form

From the History of Okhtyrka

 Picturesque lands, where Okhtyrka stands among mixed and coniferous forests, attracted people long ago. Archeological excavations of settlements of the Stone Age tell about the first inhabitants of this place. Slavic settlements of Kyivan Rus were found here. But they were destroyed by Mongol – Tatar invasions and in the XIII – XVI centuries there was an endless steppe here, called Wild Field, rich in fruitful lands, high grasses, wild animals and fish. The Crimean Tatars were grazers there, looking after herds of cattle.

   The name “Okhtyrka” originated from Turkic language and means “a lazy river”. But there is one more variant of translation this name –“a white fortress”. There is no exact date of Foundation of Okhtyrka in the historical literature, but the first mention about it appeared in 1641. At that time Okhtyrka was a small settlement on Mount Okhtyr which belonged to Rich Pospolyta. In 1647 it came to Russia and counted only 18 yards and a small garrison (20 persons). In 1650 the settlement was partly destroyed and left by its inhabitants because of liberation war in Ukraine and the expected attacks of the Crimean Tatars.

   In 1653 – 1654 a lot of new settlers from the right-bank Ukraine came to this place again escaping from polish oppression. But they began to settle in 5 km from Mount Okhtyr on the lands where Okhtyrka is situated now. They brought their administrative division (regiments and hundreds) with them and built a fortress which became an important strategic point in the struggle with the Crimean Tatars. Okhtyrsky regiment was created here in the period of 1655 – 1658. Okhtyrka became the third regiment town on the territory of the Left-bank Ukraine called Slobozhanschyna. Mount Okhtyr was settled by monks who came here from Lebedynsky monastery.

Okhtyrka fortress at that time occupied the territory of modern town centre from the river Okhtyrka to the square where Pokrovsky Cathedral stands. There were even two churches in the fortress. The regiment was divided into hundreds. The number of hundreds and people in them was different and depended on many circumstances. The regiment has its own banner with the depiction of its patron saint. So did each hundred. In 1692 Okhtyrka regiment counted 12 towns and 27 villages, in 1732 there were 13 towns, 63 villages and 22 farmlands.

I. Agree or disagree to the statements

1. Archeological excavations of settlements of the Stone Age tell about the first inhabitants of this place. +

2. Slavic settlements of Kyivan Rus were not found here. –

3. There was an endless steppe here in the XIII – XVI centuries. +

4. The name “Okhtyrka” originated from Tatar language and means “a lazy river”.-

5. There is exact date of Foundation of Okhtyrka. –

6. In 1641 Okhtyrka was a small settlement on Mount Okhtyr. +

7. In 1653 – 1654 a lot of new settlers from the left-bank Ukraine came to this place. –

8. Okhtyrka became the third regiment town on the territory of the Left-bank Ukraine called Slobozhanschyna. +

9. There were two churches in the fortress. +

10. In 1692 Okhtyrka regiment counted 13 towns and 27 villages. –


II. Choose the correct variant.

1 On the territory where Okhtyrka stands … settlements were found.

a) Mongolo-Tatar b) Polish

с) Slavic d) Russian

2. The name “Okhtyrka” originated from … language.

a) Slavic b) Tatar

c) Polish d) Turkic

3. In the middle of the 17th century Okhtyrka belonged to … .

a) Rich Pospolyta b) Russia

c) Kyivan Rus d) Poland

          4. In the period of 1655 – 1658 … was created there.

a) Okhtyrsky regiment b) Pokrovsky Cathedral

c) Rich Pospolyta d) Tatar settlement

5. Mount Okhtyr was settled by … .

a) Crimean Tatars b) inhabitants from Russia

c) monks from neighboring district d) Polish invaders

6. Okhtyrka became the third … on the territory of Slobozhanzchyna.

a) regiment fortress b) strategic settlement

c) regiment town d) administrative centre

7. The name “Okhtyrka” means … .

a) “a lazy river” b) “a wild field”

c) “a wild forest” d) “a deep river”

8. Okhtyrka regiment was divided into … .

a) classes b) villages

c) yards d) hundreds

9. There is no … date of foundation of Okhtyrka in historical literature.

a) exact b) correct

c) right d) any

10. Okhtyrka fortress at that time occupied the territory of ….

a) the right bank of the river Okhtyrka b) modern town centre

c) Mount Okhtyr  d) the left bank of the river Okhtyrka.





     Listening 11 Form


    Rohizne is a small village situated not far from the town of Sumy, Ukraine.

The very first mention about Rohizne dates on April, 24th, 1703. From the documents discovered in the archives it follows that in 1732 there was a court yard of landowners, 47 huts, 150 peasants.

   In the middle of the 19th century the land in Rohizne belonged to different landowners. The population grew slowly.

   The wooden church of Ivan-Voin played an important role in the architecture of the village. It has already existed in 1740.

    In the 40s of the 19th century Ivan Kukol-Yasnopolskyi was a landowner of Rohizne.

  Rohizne was a part of factory-agricultural manor. The sugar factory was constructed. Fields around the factory brought a rich crop thanks to excellent agronomics. A steam mill was arranged. Peasants brought grain here with pleasure.

  After Ivan Andriyovych’s death his widow Eleonora Yakivna Kukol-Yasnopolska became a mistress of Rohizne. In 1859 a merchant of the first guild, owner of the biggest Russian sugar plants Ivan Gerasymovych Kharytonenko rented the Rohiznianska economy with sugar and brick factories, land and all buildings.

  The following historical period of the village is connected with Oleksandr Petrovych Prianishnikov, a rather poor nobleman from the village of Kuianivka. He married the daughter of Eleonora Yakivna. Oleksandr Petrovych finished an institute of technology.

   In 1880- 1890 engineer Prianishnikov built a main structure of manor which became a valuable monument of farmstead architecture of the end of the 19th century. It enters into an architectural complex of one of the first manors of factory-agricultural type in Sumschyna.

   Near the Prianishnikov’s house there is a park. 240 different kinds of trees were planted in it. The paths were strewed with red sea sand.

  In the park the trees of different kinds were delivered: a carob tree, a hornbeam, a beech, and now there is only a red maple. There were many flowers. Altankas were equipped with grape. Shrubs of many species provided many shades of green in the summer and a riot of colours in the autumn.

  In 1880-1890 thanks to Prianishnikov’s efforts a stone bell tower was attached to the church. On December, 2nd, 1888 tserkovno-parafialna school was opened in the church.

    During the First World War Yelyzaveta Ivanivna organized a hospital for the wounded soldiers in Rohizne.

   In 1919 the house was nationalized. During events of 1917- 1920 the church and a cemetery were plundered, and bodies of priests were thrown out from tombs. The church was completely destroyed.

  In the time of famine 1932- 1933 there was a sanatorium for Jewish children in the manor.

   During German occupation of 1941-1943 there was a sanatorium for German pilots here.

   Since the 60s there was a kindergarten. In summer the children's camp operated on the basis of this kindergarten. In 1973 there was a fire in the house. After that the kindergarten was disbanded.

   In the 80s some premises were used as an office of the state farm of Stepanovska economy. On a place of the former church a village club was built.

  Some ancient structures are still used in the economic purposes. The general planning of the village remains the same as well as during old nice times.


I. Agree or disagree to the statements

   1.  Rohizne is a big village situated not far from Sumy. -

   2. The very first mention about Rohizne dates on April, 24th, 1723. -

   3. The wooden church of Ivan Voin played an important role in the architecture of the village. +

   4. In the 40s of the 19th century Oleksandr Prianishnikov was a landowner of Rohizne. -

    5. Rohizne was a part of factory-agricultural manor. +

    6. Oleksandr Prianishnikov was a rather rich nobleman from the village of Kuianivka. -

    7. Oleksandr Prianishnikov finished the Medical Institute. -

    8. The House of Prianishnikov became a valuable monument of farmstead architecture of the end of the 19th century. +

    9. In 1880- 1890 thanks to Prianishnikov’s efforts a stone bell tower was attached to the church. +

   10. In the 60s on a place of the former church a village shop was build. –


II. Choose the correct variant.

     1. The very first mention about Rohizne dates on April, 24th …

       a) 1703

       b) 1732

       c) 1740

     2. The wooden church of … played an important role in the architecture of the village.

       a) St. Sophia

       b) St. Nicolas

       c) Ivan Voin

     3. In the 40s of 19 century … was a landowner of Rohizne.

        a) Ivan Kukol- Yasnopolskyi 

        b) Eleonora Kukol- Yasnopolska

        c) Oleksandr Petrovych Prianishnikov

     4. In 1880- 1890 … built a main structure of manor.

        a) Prianishnikov

        b) Kharytonenko

        c) Eleonora Kukol –Yasnopolska

      5.   … different kinds of trees were planted in the park near Prianishnikov’s house.

        a) 240

        b) 150

        c) 47

      6. Since 60s there was a … in manor.

        a) sanatorium for Jewish children

        b) hospital

        c) kindergarten

      7. In the park the trees of different kinds were delivered

         a) willow

         b) beech

         c) apple-tree

       8. In 1919 the house was … .

          a) ruined

          b) reconstructed

          c) nationalized

         9. On a place of the former church… was built.

            a) a village club

            b) a sanatorium

            c) a kindergarten

          10. The general planning of the village…

             a) was changed

             b) remains the same

             c) was rebuilt







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